Managed Services
Put the operation of IT services (server, network, storage or client support) in our hands. We are your competent partner. Based on agreed service level agreements (SLAs), we provide managed services for you.
The range of services offered by PASS Cloud Services is aimed at companies that want to outsource parts or entire areas of their IT to a certified cloud service provider. It includes the IT service desk, the network environment, the provided servers, middleware, databases up to insourcing and the operation of applications. With our Cloud Services, we are one of the few service providers that provide a full-service offering.
We are represented in the 2021 user study "Professional User Rating (PUR): Managed Services" by the research and analyst firm Techconsult. Excellent ratings secure us a position as champion in the "Managed IT Service Desk" segment.
The service experts interviewed praised, among other things, the very good support, especially the competence and speed of response of our service and support consultants. They also emphasize the extensive and high-quality service portfolio of our service catalog. The service experts rate our innovative capability as very high and are impressed by the concepts and service features we offer. For almost all respondents, our managed service has led to a reduction in the average response and problem-solving time.
In the context of the user study, Techconsult interviewed more than 2,300 service experts on eight managed services areas. In the category "Managed IT Service Desk", 18 out of 36 providers were able to place themselves in the so-called result diamond - seven of them as champion. PASS is thus one of the best providers across all vendors surveyed.
The detailed research note is available for download here.
Stable IT operations
Stable digital application services (processes)
Compliance with state-of-the-art security requirements
Legal compliance
Sustainability in the sense of Green IT (e.g. optimal CO² footprint)

Cost structure
Cost reduction through clear and transparent services for maintaining system operations. This enables targeted investments in important, additional digitization projects.

You reduce your production depth and gain more agility and freedom of action in your revenue-relevant business areas.

You hand over responsibility for individual IT services to us, the specialized service provider, on the basis of defined SLAs and can thus concentrate on your core business.

Flexible adjustment of service agreements and scope of services based on internal and external developments, technological innovations or strategic requirements.

Full Stack
We are one of the few providers with a full stack offering. We even go beyond the offers of the major providers.

Additional services
Numerous useful services and solutions can be added, including: Cloud services, add-on products (archives and inventory), Migration Factory, Portal Factory, Test Factory. Furthermore: Project management, MSP services, SLA management, governance management.

Governance, processes and legal standards: DSGVO compliant, private cloud, accredited by Trusted Cloud, participant in GAIA-X

Already more than 300 customers in the field of SAAS; market presence for over 40 years; German company; best references (especially in the area of SaaS); across many industries