PASS Engagement
Facts Malawi project
Project type: Construction of an elementary school
Project plan: 8 classrooms, incl. teachers' room, office and toilets, a well and a solar system.
Target group: 400 school children
Country: Malawi
Location: Mzungu, Lilongwe
Project partner on site: Match Foundation
Status: Start of classes: August 2023 (school year 2023/24)
We are pleased to announce that another school construction project has been initiated in Malawi. Details will follow.
Donation result
PASS supported the fundraising project with a total of 30,000 euros! 15,000 euros were raised during the Late Year Benefit 2022. Another 15,000 euros came from the Rienecker family.
If you would also like to donate to school construction projects in developing countries:
Donation account FLY&HELP:
Westerwald Bank eG
IBAN no.: DE94 5739 1800 0000 0055 50
If a donation receipt is desired, please indicate this in the reason for payment.
Although the PASS Consulting Group had to cancel its Late Year Benefit Concert 2020 - due to the Corona pandemic - it was a matter of course for the company to uphold its social commitment, especially in difficult times. In Oroutumba, Namibia, where an old church and makeshift tin huts had served as classrooms until then, an elementary school was to be built as part of a joint project with the Reiner Meutsch Foundation Fly & Help.

The project comprised the construction of an elementary school with two classrooms including school furniture and the construction of a kitchen including a dining hall for the purpose of school meals. PASS initially provided a sum of 70,000 euros for this purpose. Another 25.000 Euro for the school feeding project came from donations of our customers, partners, suppliers and the staff.
Our picture on the right shows the school grounds in 2021 after the construction of the new classroom building (No. 6) and the kitchen with dining hall (No. 4). The fence that was added around the site in 2022 is not yet visible in the photo.
In addition, solar panels were later installed on the roof of the kitchen building to ensure the operation of cooling equipment on site.
You can read more about the progress of the project in our newsfeed.

Oroutumba is located about 95 km from the town of Okanguati and 131 km from the town of Opuwo in the Kaokoveld, about 900 kilometers north of Windhoek.
The students there belong mainly to the Ovahimba ethnic group. There is an increasing desire among the Ovahimba to send their children to school, and the children themselves would also like to go to school. Likewise, the government attaches importance to integrating, promoting and educating the Ovahimba, as an archaic living community, into the social community.
They are now semi-nomads and one of the last remaining nomadic peoples in the world. Also due to this fact, the schools are not only schools, but also social stations, where the children have to live and be looked after during the school time, because parts of the family or even the whole family is on the move with their herds. An additional aspect is the enormous distances that the students have to travel to their homes (sometimes several 10 km).
Donation result
25.000 Euro have been donated by our customers, partners, suppliers and the staff of PASS for the later school meals for the children. THANK YOU!
70.000 Euro were donated by PASS Consulting Group for the construction of the school including kitchen and dining hall.
Another 6.000 Euro (construction of a fence) and 9.000 Euro (for solar panels for the kitchen) were provided by PASS.